Goals and Tasks

The fundamental objective of the Internationalen Gesellschaft GartenTherapie e.V. (IGGT) is to coordinate the various garden therapy activities in Europe.
The IGGT sees itself as a hub and communication platform for professional exchange and qualification.
We promote garden therapy activities and support their international development.
We maintain and initiate the exchange between the central actors and organisations in this field.
We want to further develop the various activities from the medical-therapeutic as well as the horticultural sector into long-term and sustainable instruments recognised by the public as having a positive effect on society.
We communicate the findings from science and research and support research publications.
We define quality standards for the garden therapy sector and offer registration of facilities with garden therapists and therapy gardens.
We evaluate garden therapy work and offer mutual advice and support in setting up and developing therapeutic gardens.
The IGGT supports further education and continuing training as well as advisory services and wants to inspire foundations, donors and sponsors to fall in love with garden therapy work.
The IGGT sees itself as the central interest group for garden therapy activities and institutions that operate therapy gardens.
We combine the existing forces in Europe and actively promote the recognition and acceptance of garden therapy in society for the benefit of the population.