
The internationale Gesellschaft GartenTherapie is a Europe-wide association of organisations and individuals dedicated to garden therapy and the establishment of therapeutic gardens. The work is carried out on a voluntary basis. The legal form is a non-profit association registered under German law at the local court in Gießen/Germany. The office is located in the Educational Centre for Horticulture in Grünberg/Germany.
The bodies of the Society are the General Assembly, which appoints the Board of Directors, and a Management appointed by the Board of Directors. A board of trustees can be installed as an input committee.
The content-related work is done in the Sections of the IGGT.
The leaders of the Sections have a seat and a vote on the Board.
Currently there is a Registration Section under the leadership of Karoline Meixner-Katzmann.
Here, quality guidelines for the registration of people as IGGT Garden Therapists have already been developed and similar guidelines have also been established for the recognition of events and further training courses. This process is ongoing.
The Section called "Use of Plants in Garden Therapy" under the leadership of Martina Föhn is currently busy systematising and evaluating the use of the many plants in therapy and making this available as a working basis for the garden therapist by means of the database GarThePedia.
The objective of the Concept Section is to develop a common definition of the concept of garden therapy, a description of its direction, the possible events and other important points.

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